Reaching 100k+ & Surging Conversion Rates Amidst Pandemic

In the face of the pandemic's challenges, we propelled Chop-Chop to new heights with a creative marketing strategy that not only reached over 100k people but also increased the conversion rate by 30%, all while maintaining ROAS targets.

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Results we are proud of

Our comprehensive strategy for Chop-Chop led to significant achievements: reaching over 100k individuals, a 30% increase in conversion rates, and the maintenance of ROAS targets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our creative approach and digital marketing expertise during challenging times.


Extensive Reach Achieved

Through our targeted digital marketing efforts, we successfully reached over 100k potential customers, significantly increasing Chop-Chop's brand visibility and customer base.


Conversion Rate Surge

Our innovative marketing strategies led to a remarkable 30% increase in conversion rates, effectively turning prospects into loyal customers for Chop-Chop.


ROAS Targets Achieved

Despite the challenging economic climate and restricted ads budget, we maintained Chop-Chop's ROAS targets, ensuring efficient and effective use of their advertising budget.

What we did

We guarantee
partner approach


Choosing a hair salon can be daunting, and Chop-Chop sought to simplify this decision with its high-quality, inclusive services. Amidst the pandemic, the challenge was twofold: to reassure and attract customers to the salon while standing out in a crowded market. The timing posed a significant hurdle, as potential customers were hesitant to visit salons due to health concerns.


Trendt crafted a holistic go-to-market strategy for Chop-Chop, starting with a website audit and enhancements to improve user experience. We implemented a comprehensive media plan and produced creative content that resonated with the target audience, achieving a 75% video completion rate—30% above our goal. By identifying and targeting specific zip codes around salon locations with a high-visibility, aggressive offer for a limited time, we managed to break through the market noise. Our viral ad campaign generated 500k impressions, tapping into key audience segments. Continuous consulting and analysis of digital media performance allowed us to advise on growth-oriented marketing tactics and additional programs, keeping Chop-Chop ahead of the competition.

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Here are some
benefits of our partner

We help bold brands become industry benchmarks. You’re setting up a partnership with us, during which we implement our proven growth framework. It starts with a free analysis, then we help you execute.

We analyse

We implement systems to directly address your challenges, leveraging our deep market knowledge and data-driven insights. Our decision-making process is rooted in understanding the nuances of your industry, ensuring tailored solutions for your business.

We execute

Our experience with startups and unicorns has honed our holistic growth strategies, combining big-picture planning with detailed channel expertise. We develop and refine conversion-focused funnels, providing all necessary in-house services for digital growth, from strategy formulation to practical execution.

We grow together

Our framework is designed to potentially double business sizes within 4 months. We prioritize your continuous growth, offering regular OKR sessions to keep you informed and strategically aligned. Our approach ensures that we advance together, focusing on meaningful, sustainable growth.

We connect

In 5 years, we've established a vast network within the e-commerce sector, including tech, funding partners, and growth experts. This network not only enhances our capabilities but also offers our partners significant opportunities for collaboration and expansion.

Start growing your business today

We work hand-in-hand with exceptional founders, leveraging data-driven experiments and the latest trends to craft strategies that deliver real results.

Book your free strategy call today:

Co-founder level engagement

Data-driven growth strategies

Personalised, outcome-focused scaling

In-depth, industry-specific, AI-driven insights

Experienced entrepreneurs with hands-on involvement

Performance-based, aligned with your success